Eliza Deang
Chief of Staff
Get to know Eliza

We could not run MeeDerby without Eliza, she is the glue to our operation! Eliza joined MeeDerby in 2000 and was managing operations and technology until she expanded her role to Chief of Staff. She has more than 25 years of experience in the recruitment industry. Eliza comes to MeeDerby from Australia, where she was a Technical Recruiter for an information technology staffing firm for three years. She also has five years’ experience in IT, medical and engineering recruitment in the Philippines. Eliza is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines.

MeeDerby paved the way for Eliza to move to the US, through a professional working visa, until she earned her citizenship. She is MeeDerby’s shining example of the American Dream.


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